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About Hands-On Tasks® Inc.

Hands On Tasks Inc. was established in 2004 with the intent of providing quality and age-appropriate activities and learning tasks for students with learning differences.

Our goal is to provide educators with an alternative curriculum supplement that meets the needs of students Pre-K through 12 and provide training for skills needed after graduation.

The scaffolding work system that we have designed allows the teacher to present material, in an alternative way, making adjustments for different ability levels, and gives students with learning differences the ability to master the requirements of their individual education plan, state, and national expectations.

Our products are designed to follow the structured teaching model where the task is first modeled or demonstrated by the teacher. The teacher next observes the student working the task, offering prompts and/or cues as needed. When the student is able to work independently he works the task and sets it aside in a finished area to be checked by the teacher.

Our Tasks:
  • use the scaffolding technique so we can meet the student “where they are” and build on skills that have already been mastered
  • use our Double Box and Divider™ and Bi-Directional™ methods unique to Hands-On Tasks, Inc.
  • can be easily modified to met individual needs
  • can be used as an alternative method to paper/pencil testing of student knowledge

Our Task Boxes:
  • are all the same size making storage and organization convenient and effortless (when possible, boxes nest to save storage space)
  • contain all the necessary components for each task
  • are labeled with our task name and number on one end for quick identification.
    (Note: an alternate label can be attached to the opposite end without disturbing the original label)

Our Task Components:
  • are carefully chosen to provide uniqueness in color, texture, age appropriateness, and adaptability to our work task system
  • represent “real-world” objects when possible
  • in many instances are re-purposed to create a more “user-friendly” task for students

Our Support Documents include:
   For the teacher:
  • Instruction Sheet with name and number of the task, skill level, set-up and re-set directions, targeted skills, modifications and extensions
  • a list of components, a photo of the task, and a drawing of the task in progress
  • Evaluation Form [Rubric] for recording and evaluating student progress
  • Scaffolding Work System Manual™ [free download]
   For the student:
  • Task card showing small steps (with drawings and numbers) to complete the task

We proudly participate in the Work Training Program offered by the Special Education Program of our local school district and have employed participants graduating from that program.

Hands-On Tasks® is "sole source" for all of our products and as such may not be required to go through a competitive bid process required by many states and school districts. A copy of our Sole Source Affidavit may be downloaded from our Downloads Page.

Everyone here at our company is truly appreciative of your interest in our products and pledge to take care of your needs to the best of our abilities.

Tel: 800-655-2078     E-mail: customerservice(at)